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Interview on The Nikhil Hogan Show

This is my interview with musician, author and podcast host Nikhil Hogan, via Skype—with Nikhil in Singapore and me in Rochester. We were introduced remotely by Dr Joseph Curiale, a wonderful composer and mutual friend. This was one of the most delightful interviews I’ve done; I found Nikhil’s questions to be most interesting and on point. ...

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I Live Here Now

On March 4th (the day of the year that exhorts you to do something), I moved to Rochester, NY. I rented an apartment without having seen it, or having spent any time in Rochester since Shelly Berg and I did a gig here many years ago. “Long story short,” it was an impulse.  I love it here. When I was in a coffee shop near the Eastman School of Music, waiting to have...

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May 29th is the centenary of Sir Arthur Eddington’s eclipse experiment, which proved Albert Einstein’s general theory of relativity.  “A young German physicist, Albert Einstein, had worked tirelessly on his new theories of relativity beginning with his first published papers in 1905, and culminating with his magnum opus ‘General Relativity’ in 1915. Only a handful of...

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Flirting with Disaster – JazzTimes

Across 10 previous albums, you could count on Lorraine Feather to be funny, sardonic, wisely observant of the minutiae of everyday life and, occasionally, wistful and romantic. Now, for the first time in her colorful recording career, Feather is focusing exclusively… Read the full interview

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Flirting with Disaster

This is a shot from a photo session I did with Mikel Healey for my  new album, Flirting with Disaster.  Michael Ticcino, the artist who created the cover and booklets for my last two releases, is working with me on this one too. Michael specializes in photo-surreal composites, which means that Mikel shoots me in front of white paper and then Michael can...

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